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Adventist Book Center Update:
After thoughtful research, consideration and prayer, the Executive Committee of the Southern New England Conference voted to cease the retail & distribution operations of the Adventist Book Center effective April 30, 2025. Though the Conference is in a healthy financial position, the ABC as an entity has, for more than a decade, been experiencing significant financial challenges and deficits. Over the same period, the retail and consumer landscape has drastically changed, making the operation of a retail store that sells books and health food, very challenging. In making this decision, the Committee regrets the loss and inconvenience that this change will bring to many faithful customers. However, the Committee decided that good stewardship requires a revised missional focus that will prioritize and align financial resources to support the many opportunities that our growing Conference is experiencing.
We deeply appreciate the ministry that the ABC has played providing publishing and health food resources for many years. As a Conference we remain committed to supporting the spiritual needs of our constituents by providing other avenues and platforms to acquire the products that were once at the ABC, and do so, in many cases, at a reduced price.
Below are a few options that are presently available for the purchase of various ABC products:
Adventist Books and Periodicals -
Sabbath School materials and lessons – Sabbath School Department Director – Pastor Francis – 978-514-5456 or
Loma Linda & Worthington Food Products - (many websites sell these products. Here are just two for your review)
Loma Linda: www. Loma Linda Products
Worthington Products: www.Worthington Products
If you have any questions regarding the particulars of this announcement, please contact our Conference office at 978-365-4551.

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