DEAF Ministry Coordinator
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D.E.A.F. (Deaf Everywhere Are Family) is a Christian Deaf group dedicated to sharing Jesus with Deaf people and expanding Deaf Christian fellowship in the Northeast.
DEAF was founded in 1992 and is free and open to all (Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing and Hearing). DEAF is sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church in the Southern New England Conference. Southern New England Conference is the only conference in Atlantic Union (and one of just a few in the world) with an officially recognized Deaf ministry.

D.E.A.F Mission Statement
To serve the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
• To tell about Jesus’ saving love for this world
• To encourage all Deaf and hearing to have a closer relationship with Jesus
• To provide Deaf church and Christian interpreted services for the Deaf
• To establish outings to develop Deaf and hearing fellowship
• To educate the hearing on Deaf culture and issues.
• To support Seventh-Day Adventist interpreters in the Southern New England Conference
Get to Know Us
5 Million Deaf use sign language as their first language.
200+ sign languages are used worldwide.
Only about 1.5% of the Deaf get education in sign language.
Sign languages have their own vocabulary, grammar and syntax, so they don’t match word-for-word translations of spoken language.
Most Deaf don’t have access to a Bible or even portions of Scripture because their language is visual and not based on written words.
Most of Deaf people around the world have never seen Jesus’ name signed in their language.
Often ignored and oppressed, Deaf people are the world’s largest unreached people group. Just 2% know Jesus.
Connect with Us

360 Million people worldwide have hearing loss that limits function
35 Million people worldwide are considered culturally Deaf.
About 6 million people in North America are culturally Deaf.
Deaf people prefer to be called “Deaf” rather than “Hearing Impaired.”
Deaf people tend to believe Deafness is NOT a disability or a handicap, but rather they self-identify as a cultural group.
SDA Christian Deaf Websites and Resources:
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Resources for Deaf Awareness and Starting a Deaf Ministry: