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$2,000,000 Donated for SNEC Education Endowment and Camp Winnekeag Improvements

Audrey Folkenberg

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

WOW. It is true! In direct answer to prayer, the Southern New England Conference recently received donations totaling $2,000,000. One of the Educational Department’s goals and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in the coming four years is to raise $300,000 to set up an educational endowment for elementary students. But God sent a restricted gift (can only be used for the elementary education endowment) of $500,000!

One of the Youth Department’s KPIs is to renovate and revitalize the physical plant at Camp Winnekeag. This major project is expected to cost more than $4 million. Southern New England Conference has just received a $1.5 million donation, restricted to use for Camp Winnekeag improvements, to help with this goal. This blessing from God, through a generous donor, is moving Southern New England Conference toward completing this important initiative.

“But the WOW of this gift is not about a total dollar amount,” says Audrey Folkenberg, Southern New England Conference Stewardship, Planned Giving & Trust Services director. “It is about God’s faithfulness and the effect He can have through a faithful heart. He knows our families with financial challenges and wants them to be able to send their children to Seventh-day Adventist schools. He believes in healthy fun for our young people and knows it takes resources to keep our camp safe and attractive. Our loving God hears our prayers, supplies our needs, and exceeds our expectations. Through a grateful heart He has blessed our conference!”

“It is good to hear about large donations and natural to say, ‘Praise God,’ and ‘WOW,’ and sit and smile. But don’t stop there,” Folkenberg challenges. “You can say, ‘Lord, I acknowledge that all I have is yours. With what you have given me, I want to bless others too.’ You see, it’s not about how much you have. It’s about having a grateful heart — a heart that responds to His presence — like the lad who gave his fish and bread to Jesus. With simple faith, be the widow who gave her two mites. Be bold like David and engage in God’s mission, even if it is with one small stone. If all of us, thankful for what He is doing for and in us, choose to respond to His faithfulness, we can, together in mission, go Home. Wow! I can hardly wait, can you?”


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