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Adventist Book Center to be Restructured

Robert Folkenberg

Over the past year, it has become clear that the present business model in operating our Adventist Book Center (ABC) cannot sustain its mission in a fast changing, online and retail landscape.  The majority of ABC’s across the nation have closed due to these commercial realities.  However, the SNEC Executive Committee, believing that there is still an opportunity for publishing and health ministry to take place through the platform of an ABC, set up a small committee to study and review options for the ABC to adapt and reorganize for continued mission in our territory.  After meeting over the course of a month, and after much research and prayer, a detailed set of recommendations was presented, and accepted at the SNEC EXCOM of January 26, 2025.  


First, the present leadership of the ABC, along with its committed team of staff, have done much to serve our constituents with kind and efficient service as well as with a constant view of expressing the love of Christ to all those who entered their premises.  However, due to mounting financial challenges and changing retail realities, changes were required in both management and staff, as well as a reorganization of functions that will pivot resources towards a greater focus on marketing and online sales.  These recommendations were presented and approved by the Executive Committee and implementation of these changes will take place over the course of the coming weeks.  We invite each of you to pray for our ABC team, the planned reorganization, and the mission opportunities that we hope to fulfill in the future for the sake of Christ and His Cause. 

(For further questions, please feel free to contact SNEC Administration.)


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