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All Together For Mission

Shawn S

On October 25, Southern New England Conference held its first Workers' Meeting of the new term at the College Church in Lancaster MA. In attendance were pastors, office staff, camp staff and the principals and vice-principals of all the schools. Leading up to this meeting the conference held daily prayer sessions via Zoom, asking the Lord to guide the Conference to understand God’s will for the future growth and development of the Conference over the coming four years.

During the Workers Meeting, there were three breakout sessions. The first breakout session was by regions where pastors and principals from Central MA, Greater Boston, Connecticut/ Western MA, and Southeastern Massachusetts/Rhode Island came together to discuss goals, mission, and vision for their areas as a whole and how they can work together to achieve them in a united manner. The second breakout session was by language groups: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French-Creole. They came together to brainstorm and produce a plan of action on how to reach and grow the Kingdom among their language communities. The day ended with a third breakout session that focused on the following focused areas of church ministries:

1. Church Planting

2. Community Engagement

3. Youth Engagement

4. Adventist Education

5. Discipleship & Church Revitalization

6. Engaged Stewards for Mission

7. Evangelism

While the meetings were going on our Conference Prayer Coordinator organized a prayer room where all the meetings were bathed with prayer, with all taking turns praying for God to lead his people in the path that He would have us take.

It was an amazing day, and those who participated felt the presence of the Holy Spirit leading all the events of the day. Please continue to pray for all the workers and members of the Southern New England Conference, that we will be together in the mission and cause of Christ.

Author - Shawn Santana Photographers - Stephen Reyes & Alejandro Mendez

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2022년 10월 31일

Greetings to you leaders of Gods Church. I am A Sabbath School Superintendent in N. Stamford Church..... I have been trying to do some outreach in my town of Stamford, CT with of Population of 130 K.... in the town of Stamford are 3 SDA churches 2 of them belong to NY Conference , Namely :" Schilo French Haitian SDA and the Other is Breath of Life SDA, I cant find a person in our congregation who would cooperate with me in OUTREACH in our church neighborhood. My pastor tells us that "the one on one" strategy should be practiced.

I also believe that and agree with my pastor , that is the best approach yet Our Lord Jesus Chris…

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