Did you just miss Southern New England Conference’s dynamic and Spirit-filled English camp meeting 2023? Not to worry! You can still access video recordings of speakers and seminars online—including the Wintley Phipps concert—and the fun-filled daily video recaps.
Hurry! Don’t miss the Neil Nedley video recordings! They’ll only be available for online viewing until 7/24/23 - You can view them at - https://livestream.com/snecmedia
Click here to register for camp meeting 2024 and reserve your camping spot.
You don’t want to miss the speakers for next year’s camp meeting, June 21-29, 2024!
Randy Roberts: First weekend, June 21 - 22, 2024
Ty Gibson: Sunday – Thursday, June 23 - 27, 2024
John Bradshaw: Last weekend, June 28 - 29, 2024
Camp meeting 2023 was all about Together in Mission. Ministries across Southern New England were highlighted during Sabbath School on both weekends and before the evening meetings all week:
Health ministry in Willimantic, CT that’s improving health, changing people’s lives, and providing opportunities to engage their young people in service
Mission trips that deploy regularly, impacting lives around the globe
Mission trips where youth—as young as 13!—are preaching and influencing others Christ
Impact Worcester (the evangelism focus for 2023) where SNEC collaborated with the center of influence/café The Vegan Nest and local churches to create an Adventist presence at the New England VegFest, Worcester’s annual Walk for the Homeless, and the Multicultural Women’s Health Summit
Building connections with Muslims by sharing meals and beliefs
Ministries as simple as inviting young people to a home-cooked meal every Friday night . . . and many more. During camp meeting, 38 earliteens and a number of senior citizens packed 15,000 meals to give away to the needy in Worcester. The earliteens also worked at the community service warehouse, cleaning and bagging donated clothing. Southern New England Conference Ministerial Spouses Association also filled special care packages for a women’s shelter in Worcester when they met for a luncheon during camp meeting.
Lots of new innovations at camp meeting this year included full color banners and signs, a multi-colored, light-filled backdrop on stage in the main pavilion, a photo op backdrop outside, golf cart taxi service, a fun-filled daily video recap (complete with breath-taking drone shots) at the end of every evening meeting in the main pavilion, and a Christian movie and popcorn every night.
A praise team accompanied by piano and stringed instruments or trumpets led song service in the main pavilion with a different theme each night. Wintley Phipps, international vocalist whose fame and success have not kept him from singing for Jesus, captivated a packed audience in the main pavilion on Saturday evening, the high point of music for the week and truly a grand finale for camp meeting 2023.