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DEAF Camp Meeting Highlights

Jessica McGowan Smith

Campers and staff at DEAF Camp Meeting 2024, with the bride and groom (center) who were the first couple to be married at a SNEC camp meeting, and wedding guests.

Scroll down for more photos. (Photo credits: Shawn Santana)

Southern New Conference (SNEC) DEAF Camp Meeting, held at Camp Grotonwood from August 14 to 18, was a blessing to campers who came from across the United States (including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Missouri, and Arizona) and from as far away as Zambia.

The presenters for the weekend, Pastor David Trexler and Francisca Trexler, shared messages on the theme, “From Follow Me to Send Me.” 

After a delicious breakfast on Thursday, the first full day of camp meeting, Pastor Trexler presented, “God Calls Us.”  Then campers were off to free time activities including a low ropes course designed to encourage team building.  After lunch, waterfront activities were cancelled because of rain and lightning storms, but this allowed more time for fellowship and practicing for the next day’s wedding--the first ever wedding to be held at a SNEC camp meeting! A short meeting was also held on how to assist international Deaf communities with their Deaf ministries.  The evening meeting featured an inspiring presentation by Francisca Trexler, “The Real You – Christian.” 

On Friday, Pastor Trexler started the day with the presentation, “God Teaches Us.”  During free time, campers enjoyed archery, riding segways, and eating snow cones.  After lunch, everyone focused on preparing for a beautiful outdoor wedding uniting Robert “Bear” Begeal and Winnie Tunison.  Many wedding guests stayed for cake, toasts to the bride and groom, cookies, and a delicious dinner. The day concluded with the evening meeting where Francisca Trexler presented “Am I Following Jesus, My Savior?”

Sabbath was an amazing day of worship, fellowship, food, and fun together.  The day started with a Bible Study Workshop using puzzles and Bibles to learn valuable lessons for Christian living.  Next was a baby dedication and worship service with Pastor Trexler, who presented “God Sends Us,” a praise song by Sandra Bass, and a children’s story by Francisca Trexler which engaged even the youngest campers.  After worship, they ate haystacks for lunch before heading down to the waterfront for boat tours of Lost Lake, nature walks, and swimming.  The day ended with a presentation by Francisca Trexler, “The Christian’s Ways.” 

Before Deaf Camp Meeting ended on Sunday, Pastor Trexler shared his testimony of how God led him to become a Christian. After check-out, DEAF camp staff took a special field trip to Old North Bridge where the American Revolution began with the “shot heard round the world.”  The staff also took time to discuss how to reach Deaf people and help Deaf Ministries around the world. Brother Nalondo from Zambia shared his vision of starting a Deaf school in his home country. 

Over the weekend, Deaf campers enjoyed a visit from SNEC pastor, Brian Gonzalez, and his wife, April (SNEC Child Protection coordinator) and family; SNEC executive secretary Edgardo Herrara; and Shawn Santana and Elias Zabala from the SNEC communication department.

“This year’s DEAF Camp was full of blessings,” said Jessica McGowan Smith, SNEC DEAF (Deaf Everywhere Are Family) Ministries coordinator.  “It would not have been possible without the Trexlers flying in from Arizona to give presentations.  A big thank you to Naphtanael and Rood Metellus who helped with planning, registration, meeting management, and making things run smoothly.  We also want to thank Linda Brown, and Chloe and Isaac Bushee for getting our meals ready and keeping us happy.  Thank you to the many, many people who helped with tactile interpreting for our Deaf-Blind members, with voice interpreting, meetings and programs, wedding set-up, and wherever they saw a need.  Thank you to the amazing and friendly camp staff at Grotonwood, and mostly thank you to all our campers who joined us for DEAF Camp 2024.”

Click here for more photos, stories, and information: (20+) DEAFamily Group | Facebook

Save the date!  DEAF Camp 2025 will be August 13 – 17, 2025 at Camp Grotonwood, Massachusetts.

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