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Fitchburg Church Prayer Brunch Becomes Multi-lingual Worship Experience

Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI

When seeking God’s guidance for making your church relevant in the community, be prepared to embrace His leading, even if it entails last-minute adjustments. 

Fitchburg, MA church pastor, Jonathan Nino, scheduled a prayer brunch at his church on January 21 where he and the church family had initially planned to discuss church matters.   However the Holy Spirit led Myra Omeler, who attends the Fitchburg church, in a different direction.  She had been praying fervently with members of the Fitchburg prayer line for opportunities to help people in need—particularly the homeless and migrant communities.

With seed money from the North American Division Hope and Compassion Evangelism Grant, which is available to ministerial spouses for community evangelism projects, along with donations from the community, church members pulled their resources and turned the brunch into a multi-lingual worship experience in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.

The church members and migrants prayed together for God’s intervention in their lives and blessings on the expectant moms.  Following the service, blankets, diapers, and baby supplies were made available to the families. 

Many thanks to Myra Omeler, who serves as the Atlantic Union Conference Ministerial Spouses Association director and is the wife of Pierre Omeler, Atlantic Union Conference president, for her spiritual vision!

Click here for the complete story found in the Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI, a weekly digital publication found on the Gleaner website or delivered to your inbox:


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