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GBA Connects with Community and Raises Funds at Fall Festival

Sandra Dombrowski

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

Photos by Muyu Zou

Greater Boston Academy’s (GBA) teachers, staff, and students had lots of fun as they connected with the community and raised funds for their school at their annual Fall Festival on Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Both teachers and students worked together with the staff to plan this event.  Each grade made or brought food to sell and/or created games to play.  The food for sale was an apt and delicious representation of the multi-cultural student body: Brazilian appetizers, Salvadoran pupusas, Chinese food, as well as haystacks, popcorn, dessert and more. One of the kindergarten classes made bookmarks that sold very well, and the bouncy house that is present every year is always a hit.    

They raised over $6000, but another great benefit was the opportunity to connect with the community and the camaraderie that sprang up between the students’ families.

“One parent said, ‘This is awesome that you guys do this.  I’ve met a lot of new families.’ Now they’re planning a play date with kids they didn’t know before,” said Alma Marroquin, GBA office manager.  “It’s just a moment of joy!”

“We had quite a few different churches here, both Seventh-day Adventist and non-Adventist,” said Marroquin. “Some people wonder and ask questions.  It’s the perfect time to share the gospel and what we know.”

“GBA is a Pre-school-8, Southern New England Conference school that serves a diverse community in the Greater Boston area,” GBA principal, Milton Torres, explained.  “We are composed of different ethnicities, especially Brazilian, Caribbean, and Hispanic students and parents.  Most of our 206 students identify as Christians, but only 40 percent are Seventh-day Adventists.  Our mission is to instruct and love these children and their parents, while emphasizing the uniqueness of the Adventist faith.”

For more information on Greater Boston Academy, click here HOME - Greater Boston Academy.



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