Books abound that highlight a myriad of key principles which define good leadership. Some of these leadership insights are intuitive and we say – “Yes, of course!” Others seem to answer questions that have lurked in the periphery of our experience and so bring us insight and encouragement. Then, there are those principles of leadership that startle us with their obvious clarity and truth. Such was the case with a statement I read recently in a biography of Napoleon, the famous French General and Political leader of the early 1800’s.
Napoleon is attributed to have defined the base element of leadership with these words: “A leader is a dealer in hope.”
It is absolutely true – and all the more for Church Leaders! That’s you and me. No matter where God has called us to serve or lead - classroom, office or pulpit – we are called to lift up Jesus who is the pure essence of eternal hope! In Jesus we have hope and the certainty of eternal life (1 John 5:11-13). We have the hope that tomorrow and everyday the King of the Universe will walk with us, know us, and love us (Rom. 8:31-39). And, we also have the blessed hope of the soon coming of our Friend and Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).
So, let’s lead with confidence. Let’s lead with courage. Let us deal in HOPE!
President, Robert Folkenberg Jr,