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Leadership Changes in Southern New England Conference Administration

Sandra Dombrowski

Southern New England Conference (SNEC) Executive Committee voted several changes to the administration: new personnel, a new position, and a restructuring of some administrative roles to better assist in achieving the mission God has given us.

Edgardo Herrara, former Hispanic Ministries coordinator and pastor of the Waterbury Hispanic district, has been voted in as the new executive secretary, replacing Cesar Perozo, who accepted a call to the Carolina Conference.

To create a more cohesive, inclusive, and streamlined approach to achieving SNEC’s mission, the Executive Committee voted to appoint Beverley Bucknor, the Education superintendent, as the vice president for Education, and Alex Palmeira, Church Planting & Revitalization director, as vice president for Mission Development. This move places the heads of Education and Church Planting & Revitalization on the larger administrative team, giving them a direct voice to influence the leadership and missional plans of the Southern New England Conference.

The Executive Committee also voted to divide the SNEC Youth department into three different departments. Danny Velez, former SNEC Youth director, is now director for Youth & Club Ministries. Teddy Williamson, former SNEC associate Youth director, is director for Young Adults & Youth Sabbath School Ministries.

The Executive Committee has also voted to create a new position, Camp Ministries director for Camp Winnekeag, which forms the third department. “As we look to invest close to $5 million in updating the camp, we felt we needed to also invest in the management team and systems in order to better interface with our churches and community, as well as help with fund raising activities and in achieving the overall goals and mission of the camp,” says SNEC president, Bob Folkenberg, Jr.

Tanna Allison has been hired as the Camp Ministries director. Velez will still lead summer camp, but Allison will oversee the management, development, hospitality, and communications of Camp Winnekeag.


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