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Profession vs Practice...

Robert Folkenberg

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

A few years ago, I read a thought-provoking book by a pastor who left his mega-church searching for a more biblically rooted expression of the Christian Community.  Part of his journey took him to various countries around the world, where he absorbed how different cultures and people “did” church.  He arrived at some interesting and challenging conclusions, which led him to his present pastoral effort of leading and mentoring lay leaders in a growing network of house churches right here in the United States.


One of the observations that Francis Chan makes in his book entitled “Letters to the Church” is that “the theology that matters is not the theology we profess but the theology we practice.”  It’s called authenticity.  Integrity.  Just being “real.”  Our students, members, neighbors, barbers and hairstylists, mechanics, and bank tellers want to see Jesus in our actions and not just hear a string of words that present a tidy but incongruent statement of our faith.  The often-quoted statement summarizes this point well: "Preach the Gospel all the time, and if necessary, use words.”


May God and His love shine through each of us daily, allowing us to present a vibrant witness to those we come in contact with of a theology that we not only proclaim but also live in Him

President, Robert Folkenberg Jr.


1 commentaire

Amen to "Preach the Gospel all the time, and if necessary, use words.”

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