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SNEC Welcomes New Associate Superintendent of Schools

Sandra Dombrowski

The Southern New England Conference is pleased to welcome Brian Allison, the newly hired associate superintendent of schools. Allison is a graduate of South Lancaster Academy and Andrews University. A fifth-generation Adventist and second-generation principal, he has worked in Adventist education for 24 years and has taught students from kindergarten to university level. He has served as a principal at four different schools, with the size of staffs ranging from four teachers to fifteen teachers.

With a solid passion for Adventist education, Allison says, “I truly believe our job is to introduce our students to the best friend they will have for eternity, Jesus Christ.”

Currently Allison is principal at Glenview Adventist Academy in Phoenix, Arizona, and will start in Southern New England Conference in time for camp meeting.

He has been married to Tanna Allison for 30 years and counting, and together they have one adult daughter, Jacqueline, and a grand-dog named Burton.



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