Southern New England Conference (SNEC) director of Stewardship/Planned Giving & Trust Services, Audrey Folkenberg, and assistant Trust Services director, April Montoya, gave an informational presentation at the Rockville-Tolland SDA Church, on November 5, 2023.
Folkenberg described how it was not God’s initial plan for his creation to die. His original intention was that man would fruitfully populate this Earth, living forever throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. But sadly, with the inception of sin, God’s plan was tabled until the plan of redemption could be fully executed. Humans, with a death warrant hanging over their heads, would have to plan accordingly.
With this in mind, Folkenberg spoke of the importance of members planning their own legacies to ensure that their assets would land in the “right hands” after death. She stressed the necessity of providing for one’s family, as well as charitable organizations. Folkenberg clarified the differences between independent retirement accounts (IRAs), legal wills, living trusts, and probate courts.
Fielding a question from the sole male participant in attendance, Folkenberg underscored the need for men, as well as women—and even those as young as 18 years of age—to plan for the future. She also distributed thoughtful gifts to audience participants and related personal anecdotes from her time in China.
In closing, Folkenberg stated she did not initially see the connection between charitable giving and missions. However, she has since been privileged to witness how funds given by members have enabled the gospel to be spread more quickly, both here and abroad. We can too!
If you would like the SNEC Stewardship/Planned Giving & Trust Services department to give a presentation at your church or school, please contact Audrey Folkenberg at audreyf@sneconline.org, 978.365.4551, ext. 615 (office) or 423.488.1512 (mobile).

Audrey Folkenberg (left) and April Montoya.

Rockville-Tolland SDA Church is located at 9 Hartford Turnpike, Tolland, CT