I hope this note finds each of you enjoying your daily walk with Jesus.
Just wanted to ask you to partner with me in doing three very different things. One today. One tomorrow. One on Sabbath. They are all important for His Kingdom:
Today – Pray for an eight-year-old boy named King who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. He needs a miracle. His family needs to sense the sustaining presence of Jesus. Please pray that God will work a miracle in this boy’s life.
Tomorrow – Take out your 2023 Church Goals and KPIs. Re-read them and do an assessment of how things are going. After all, we are now in the second quarter and the year is moving along.
Sabbath – Make a deliberate effort to share one story with your church of how God is working in your midst. Communicate a message of faith, hope and anticipation for the wonders God has in store for their future.
Praying for each of you as you faithfully serve our Lord and King.
In His service,
Robert Folkenberg Jr.