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United Camp Meeting: DEAF Ministry Takes a Day Trip to Watch by Deaf, for Deaf “JESUS” Film

Jessica McGowan Smith

Day 3 of the Southern New England Conference (SNEC) United Camp Meeting was amazing for DEAF Ministry. Jessica McGowan Smith, SNEC DEAF Ministry coordinator, her mother, and eight deaf camp meeting attendees, took a trip to the AMC theater in Framingham, Massachusetts to see Deaf Missions “JESUS”, a full-length feature film fully in American Sign Language (ASL), made from a deaf perspective, for a deaf audience.

The film was created using actors and actresses who are native ASL signers, and brings the story of Jesus to life, starting with Peter and the other disciples at Pentecost signing in many different sign languages. They were accused of signing gibberish until a woman signs, no, that's my language. The narrative returns to the beginning of the story, when Jesus called Peter at the water and continues to unfold through the Great Commision. The film captures the heart-wrenching dilemma of Jesus nailed to the cross. His hands are spread out and nailed down; he cannot sign. So he touches his third and fourth fingers to his palm, creating the well-known sign language symbol: I love you. The theater was sold out and full of people from the beautiful deaf community.

When the film ended, many people did not want to leave and stayed in the lobby talking and sharing together. The SNEC Deaf Ministry group shared deaf Bible studies and information on the upcoming Deaf Camp 2024.

After the film they headed back to the SNEC camp meeting for the evening program.  

A special thank you to Monifa Wilds who joined McGowan Smith in translating the presentation that evening from Debleaire Snell, speaker and director for Breath of Life TV and pastor of the Oakwood University church.

All main meetings at SNEC United Camp Meeting are in English and translated into ASL. Find SNEC DEAF Ministries on Facebook at DEAFamily and follow for regular updates and news.

Click here for more information on Adventist Deaf Ministries:  Home - Adventist Deaf Ministries.


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