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Field of Flowers

English Resources

Field of Flowers
Mustard Flowers

Portuguese Resources

Mustard Flowers
Foggy Lake

French Resources

Foggy Lake
Sunrise over the Wheat Field
Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Spanish Resources

*Language resource folders include the"Tithe: And How it Works" video, the 2024 Offertory Readings booklets, 2024 Sunset Calendars, and 2024 God First Videos (to show as offering appeals).

  • What is tithe?
    Tithe is one tenth of your increase from either money or product that is returned to God. It is holy and belongs to Him, the Owner of all our material possessions and lives (Leviticus 27:30). The returning of tithes is an expression of our trust in God.
  • Is there a difference between tithes and offerings?
    Yes. Tithes are returned as an expression of God's ownership and our trust in Him. Offerings are our response of love and gratitude to God's blessings and goodness, and our support of specific needs and ministries.
  • How is tithe to be returned?
    You may place your money in a Tithe & Offering envelope and return the envelope to the church you attend. You may also give online at Make it an act of worship as you remember that God is your Creator, Redeemer, and the Lord of all your life.
  • How is tithe distributed?
    Within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, tithe is received by the local congregation and sent on to the local conference or mission office. This is the "storehouse" intended for distribution consistent with Malachi 3:10.
  • Why not give my tithe to specific ministries and charities that I value?
    That would be an appropriate designation for offerings. In the act of tithing, we surrender the element of control, trust God completely, and support the world-wide evangelistic work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • How is tithe used?
    While the distribution percentages vary in different conferences, the largest portion of tithe is used to support the ministry of local churches through pastoral salaries, as well as evangelism and additional services.
  • Can I trust the conference with my tithe?
    The conference has an ethical and legal responsibility to you, the donor, for complete disclosure regarding both tithe use and all conference finances. More importantly, the conference is accountable to God for faithful stewardship of funds entrusted to it. All conference finances are audited annually. A copy of the audited financial statement is available at
  • Is tithing easier for the rich than for the poor?
    While the amount of discretionary income varies, 10 percent is still 10 percent, whether of much or little. Love is the motive and rationale that leads us to recognize our responsibility, whether rich or poor.
  • Should people tithe when in debt?
    Regardless of your financial obligations, you are always "in debt" to God, the owner of all. While debt is indeed a burden to be avoided, it is a gross injustice to use God's holy tithe to square your accounts with human creditors.
  • Can I afford to tithe?
    God promises a blessing to all who honor Him in their personal finances. When tithing is a first priority, God somehow stretches what remains. Invariably, 90 percent with God's blessing goes further than 100 percent without it.
  • Why should I tithe?
    By returning one tenth of our increase to Him, we remember God is the owner of everything He has entrusted into our hands. That makes each of us a steward, not an owner. Tithing combines trust with worship, expresses my partnership with God, and supports His mission, ministry, and church. Tithing is also an expression of loyalty that connects us with God's promises and blessings, giving us a sense of peace and purpose.
  • Where can I get more information?
    Visit > About > About Stewardship > Frequently Asked Questions
Stewardship Training Schedule.png

2024 Stewardship Year End Report


Tithe Project 2023

*View video in other languages in the resources tabs above.


By the time the sun went down on Fridays, shopping was done, the house was sparkling, and Sabbath music was playing. Sundown worships were extra special when Daddy pulled out his trumpet and played along with us kids as we tinkered on our instruments. Yes, Sabbaths have connected me with God, family, and friends for my entire life. Every Sabbath is a gift! However, Sabbath is more than a day of warm memory-making. It is a weekly reminder of God’s awesomeness, His desire to be with us, and that He who created us knows what is best for us. Just as Sabbaths highlight His care for us and many blessings, they also remind us that we were designed to honor our Creator by being good stewards of all His gifts (Gen 1:26-28). From Sabbath to Sabbath, I pray we sense His love anew and rededicate our lives to faithfully living for Jesus. I pray that Sabbaths override our tendencies to be distracted from God's plans for our happiness. So, let’s embrace the Sabbath and all it represents and commit to uplifting God with all we have — with the skills, time, money, relationships, etc., given us. Let’s live to honor our Creator and, with His gifts, grow His Kingdom. Audrey Folkenberg, Director Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Stewardship | Planned Giving & Trust Services Email: Office: 978-365-4551 ext 615

Visit our new Planned Giving & Trust Services website

The Southern New England Conference's Planned Giving & Trust Services Department has launched a new website! It is fresh, user-friendly, and full of great information that will help you, no matter the age or stage of your life, get solid and professional information on how to plan for today and tomorrow, access our website here and sign up for our monthly newsletter here

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